how do we settle the differences?
we both want to go in two different directions
easy thing we choose to split and each to go as we please
but then there is no us in that
we are almost singles without our significant other..
we return back to our home as always
we put our bodies to sleep in the same bed
but in different corners
we use the same bathroom
but ensure to spray air freshner to erase our smell
we use the same kitchen
but cook our own food
we have same tv
but use different netflix accounts
And we take care of the baby at different times
suddenly, this is what we are..
two people time slicing a bed, bath and a baby
two people under same roof alive without life
two people creating their own worlds
two people having their own parties to attend
two stars in their own worlds
two blackholes swallowing each other
two people building a void
two people thinking whats the point
two people stubburnly independent
two people foolishly intelligent
two people competing to win a nothing